Live and Love Again Revolution

Learn how to be fully alive and full of the love you truly desire.

Archive for the tag “job”

How to start making your dreams come true

Is there something you want to do? Is there an idea that is stirring in your heart and mind that would just not leave you alone? What if you learned some simple ways to begin? Would you do it?

From abstract to concrete

This post is all about teaching you how to make something abstract into something concrete and manageable.

Almost 2 years ago, I had an idea. An idea that I wanted to sing, write, lead, and motivate. At that time, I was on my final streak of career pursuits that I wasn’t made for. It took hitting rock bottom to realize this.

Left with no money, a need to get any job, and a dream, I had to make some decisions. I took up any part-time jobs I could get. I worked at a coffeehouse and at a retail store. On my free time, before and after work, I spent time doing the things I really wanted to do.

“How do you start making your dreams come true? You start right now without any permission.” @LnLRevolution

You start because you said so and don’t let anyone stop you from doing so.

Get yourself out there

I wanted to sing, so I wrote songs and shared them at open mics before I thought they were “good enough.” You just have to get yourself out there. I wanted to write, so I started writing a book. Those attempts eventually led to the current “real” book I’m writing now. I wanted to motivate, so I created a speech and submitted it for a local Ted talk.

Start out of nowhere

How you make your dreams into something concrete is by starting. When you start somewhere, seemingly out of nowhere, you learn, you discover. You learn more about what it is that you want to do. You get better. You start to refine your goals. You enable yourself to know more when you get into the nitty gritty of doing it.

Here’s my question to you:

What is something you dream of doing? What is something simple you can start today?

I would love to hear!

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Me 25 years ago…

255195_2123279448358_5912409_nHere’s little me with my big sister almost 25 years ago. When I was really young, I smiled often and had a lot of energy. Starting at about 5 years old, it was obvious I loved being creative because I loved using my paper flower maker, making bracelets, making up stories with my barbies, and creating all sorts of other stuff like comics, fashion designs, and couch cushion forts. Another thing I loved to do was sing-a-long to Disney songs, karaoke, and even make my own songs.

Realize your true potential

I decided to share this today because I have been thinking about the stuff I’ve been working on. I’m working on sharing my message with everyone that every single person has gifts and talents and a dream they are meant to pursue; however, the majority of people do not realize their full potential.

Remember what you loved to do

Almost 25 years ago, my really young self naturally did the things I was gifted and talented in. These interests are the guide to the dream we are to pursue as adults.

Falling into a boring life

In terms of my story, for some reason, somewhere along the line, I ignored those clues and pursued the things society labeled as important. Get an education, get a job, make money, save up for retirement. These things aren’t bad, but when pursued as the end goal, this is nowhere close to the life we were meant to live.

Rediscovering what I love

I got my degree, got a job (which was not a good fit). Got another degree, got another job (again, not a good fit). Eventually, I had to get back to figuring out who I was, what I was good at, and what I truly wanted to do in my heart.

Now I create again, sing again, and on the way to being in the business of helping people rediscover their true gifts and talents and how to pursue that as their life’s work.

My question to you is:

-What did you love to do when you were younger?

I would truly love to hear. =)

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What’s your dream?

There was a time where I didn’t enjoy going to work. A time where I didn’t enjoy life. I just felt frustrated and negative all the time. I spent my time numbing the pain from it all by overeating, overworking, and overspending. I had to do it over the top because that was the only way I got the effects of being able to get to a point of no longer being able to feel.

And then through the drama of my life, I realized that perhaps I was ready for a different way of life. The things that I thought made me happy were no longer making me happy. I grew up a little and realized that maybe I wanted to do something real.

It took some time to relearn how to live life and relearn how to feel. After a couple of years, I am at a place I have never been before. I feel healthy, strong, and confident in who I truly am.

I hope you enjoy the new and real me. =)

Why I Think This Way

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the things that have influenced my decision to approach my career in a non-conventional way. I never thought about this specifically until now and now realize that certain experiences truly affected me without even knowing it. First off, when I graduated from grad school, I honestly tried so hard to get a job, but couldn’t get one. I never thought I would have to be one of those who had to send almost a hundred resumes (some did way more) to get just an interview. I am a fighter, so I just kept on trying and trying and took on finding a job as my job to help me feel like I had a purpose and a mission to accomplish.

Experiences as an employee

When that didn’t work out, as a last resort, I took on any job. I got a job as a barista and actually got laid off. I forgot about this experience because I was moving out of town anyway and gave my two weeks notice just a couple days before we all got the notice of getting laid off. But still, I got laid off. Before that, I was working for a company in 2008 that was going through major lay offs and mergers. People were losing jobs every week and everyone was scared. Again I never thought I would experience being in that kind of fearful environment. I just graduated a year before that and was very optimistic about joining the work force.

Other random experiences included watching some family members get laid off as well as co-workers getting fired for stupid reasons and finding themselves in a really difficult financial situation as well as other life issues associated with losing a job.

The power of employers over their employees

I couldn’t believe how a company could have so much power over a person in the sense of providing money, which is essential to supply for your basic needs; as well as identity, which affects you deep down inside. I just couldn’t believe how that could all be taken away in a matter of just a days notice. This is hardcore especially for people who’ve dedicated their lives to a company for many years.

Desire for ownership of my work

With that said, I felt I needed to find a way to take ownership of my destiny and my life’s work. I felt I couldn’t trust a company with that. I may be employed, but I don’t look at a company like a parent. I feel like previous generations were able to say, “This company has taken care of me and my family throughout all the years.” There was a sense of security, warmth, and even filial attachments, but I feel like those days are kinda gone.

Maybe that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Along with the changes in security in employment, people, the way we live, what we value, and what’s possible has changed.

Creativity in approaching work

As a result of those experiences, I feel we’re forced to be a bit more creative in making our living. Not that the ways of the past weren’t creative or meaningful, it’s just not the same playing field anymore. Due to these circumstances and experiences, we’re pushed to think of other possibilities. Figure out how to find fulfilling work in these new times. Despite everything I’ve shared, working for a company is not necessarily bad and being self-employed is good or that you have to choose one or the other. I think the key is to find work that is fulfilling for you in this new playing field. I believe you can find a way to create the work you desire and one or the other or a blend of both might be what allows you to do just that. But the difference is that you’re deciding your fate instead of a company.

We can’t afford to be unhappy

Our life, our family, our job, our health, and our friends depend on our happiness. If we are unhappy, all the important areas of our lives are affected. Our life starts to lose meaning, our family starts to struggle, our job might be on the line, our health may start to fail, and our friendships are at risk.

I got the idea to write on this topic when I realized that I started acting differently with my husband starting yesterday. Yesterday was when I started to feel energized again. Before that, I was realizing that I was being really irritable. I was not a fun person to be around. When this happens, I realize it eventually and take a step back to figure out what’s going on. What was going on was that I was unhappy. The way I was going about my new job was making me unhappy; I was feeling very overwhelmed by my list of things to do, which consisted of mostly important and urgent things; and I wasn’t giving myself time to just have me time.

As a result of not taking care of myself, I was on edge while I was at home. I wasn’t acting like the person my husband knows I am. I was risking my job by not continuing to have the positive attitude and energizing presence I had at the interview. And I was risking getting sick because I was so stressed out.

I’m so thankful that I’ve exercised my ability to stop and reflect for several years now. It still takes maybe several days to start that process, but nevertheless it starts because this stressed and overwhelmed way of living is not sustainable for me. What used to happen is that I would just shut down and be in bed for days. There was really no need for that. Through the years, I’ve realized the things that were affecting me can be pinpointed and then taken care of. Once I put them on a list or a mental list, they no longer feel like a billion problems. They become more manageable.

Some people may say that they just don’t have the time to be happy. If it gets to that point, I think a thorough life check needs to happen and changes need to occur. We’re human, we have limits, and we’re not set up to handle an impossible amount of tasks without rest or play. I lived my life with no happiness and no play for about 4 years. The result, a nurse told me if I continued on this way, I would die. She literally said that without exaggerating or laughing. I was always at the doctor’s and my mental health was really out of control. I hit rock bottom and was forced to find a different way to live.

I’m 27 years old now, and I’ve spent all my adult years so far learning how to live healthy and happy. Life is really much better living on the happy and healthy side. I’m hardly at the doctor’s and my mental health is stronger than ever. I’ve learned my lesson, so I always make sure to do things that make me happy. This past week, the turning point back to happiness was when I treated myself to my favorite white chocolate mocha and blackberry scone. It didn’t cost much or take up much time, but the end result was me feeling happy, smiling, and being in a good mood when I got home. =)

Help a stranger

Today I helped a stranger. I never tell anyone when I do this. I do this almost every time I see someone in need. I decide not to tell anyone because I do it out of my personal desire to help anyone in need and not got any credit for it. Today is different because I started this blog and there’s something I really want to say about this. My blog’s domain name is live and love again revolution. This is the name because there’s been a stirring in my heart about helping people revive their lives and spread love in their immediate surroundings and then extending it to the whole world. I feel people need to revive their lives because I feel people have lost their sense of selves and are drowning in following what everyone else buys and does. Some examples are having an iphone, wearing the same clothes, having a 9-5 job they don’t care about, looking forward to getting wasted in the weekend, and then repeating the same cycle. I don’t feel this is living. Moreover, I feel we’ve lost our sensitivity to the other person, especially strangers in need. I’m so sure there are people who do random acts of kindness everyday, but I feel the majority prefer not to get involved out of habit or out of fear of standing out.

Today I was running some errands and there was this senior man sitting in his walker with a plastic bag next to him. I had just finished dropping off my UPS package, saw him, got in the car, then felt my spirit nudging me. It was nudging me to help the guy. What went through my mind was: what if he doesn’t need help, what will this lady in the van with her children think, what if he gets offended? But then I knew my spirit wouldn’t allow me to not do something. I felt there was something he needed. Whether it was a meal or some money. I got out of my car and asked him how he was doing and if he needed any help. He told me that he missed his bus and that he had no way to go home. He told me about the special bus he takes that takes him right to his door. I noticed a minivan with the bus company he was talking about parked at Wendy’s across the street. I told him I could ask the driver of the van if he could take him home or give us information on how he can get the bus to come and pick him up. He appreciated it. I went over to the driver who looked at me very suspiciously and slowly lowered the window only a third of the way down. But I smiled very sweetly and asked very kindly if he could help the person I was trying to help. He didn’t seem too happy about it because he looked like he was on his break, but he said he’ll go over and call for a bus to pick him up. The driver drove to the man and they started to arrange plans for his pick-up. Otherwise, the man would’ve had to wait who knows how long to receive the door-to-door bus service he receives.

I share this story because it was just a simple act of kindness that helped him out. I just feel moments like this bring love into the world and bring connection among people that is so needed. So back to the title of my domain “live and love again revolution.” I am passionate about helping people live again–to break free from the spirit of dissatisfaction that is so prevalent in our culture. To live a life that they can be proud of whether it be through their jobs, family life, with their friends, and in their hobbies. To not settle for what everyone else is doing, so that they can feel alive again. And to love again–to care about people again and step out of their comfort zones to create a culture of helping one another and not caring what other’s think.

Searching for my purpose

Right now, I’m searching for my purpose in life. I know deep down inside that I have a purpose for my life. I have just graduated from school, got offered some jobs, and have accepted it; however, things aren’t working as I wished they would. The jobs that I accepted run down my spirit–I come out of the office exhausted, drained, and feeling helpless. I decided to put in my two weeks notice because that is not how a job is meant to be. I understand that so many people just put up with that type of job, in fact, I think the majority of people do. Well-meaning friends tell me, “That’s just how it is…If you want to make money, that’s what you have to do.” See, I don’t buy into that kind of thinking. I was just reading a sample of a book called The Art of Non-Conformity by Chris Guillebeau as well as other books from people who write about the same thing and these authors as well as many other people have decided not to buy into the “That’s just how it is” thinking. It’s not just how it is.

You see, I’ve always had this fire me in that refuses to be just like everyone else, refuses to follow the crowd. I’m so glad I have this in me because if not, it would’ve been so easy for me to follow “everyone else.” I don’t think it’s bad to follow; however, if it is following something you don’t believe in, following something that you feel that is not right in your heart, then I think there is a big problem. If it is following for the sake of avoiding making hard decisions or changes in your life, then I think it’s an unfortunate way to live. Lately, I’ve had this strong conviction not to fall into finding a job just to say that I’ve found a job and can make money. Now, this is where my faith helps me. I understand that I have to make money in order to buy food, have housing, and other necessities, but I believe I don’t have to sacrifice my life in order to have the things I need. You see, if I stayed at the job I just gave my two weeks notice to, then my spirit would eventually die. It was in the process of doing so. My husband has been noticing that I’ve been different lately. That I haven’t been as happy and energetic like I normally am. In fact, he called me a “blob.” Even my boss at that job asked me if anything was wrong because I wasn’t acting like myself. After a couple of days, I finally admitted to myself that the job wasn’t a good fit and it was bringing me down. Thankfully, I have a very loving and considerate husband. He backed up my decision to quit the job.

Now for the issue of needing to make money in order to help pay for what I need in life. I’ve start reading the bible lately, and I’ve never realized how much help is in that book until recently. I’ve really come to understand the writings in there about not worrying. The bible says that God takes care of the birds who don’t sow and reap, which I looked up in the dictionary and it means that they don’t plant seeds and then gather the crop. Pretty much to me that means that don’t even work and God takes care of them. And then it goes on to say that to God, we are more important than birds, so of course he’ll take care of our needs as well. =) Now I feel that doesn’t mean that I can just sit around and do nothing. What I’ve also learned is that God created me for a purpose. That he has a good plan for my life, now that’s where I am right now. I’m trying to learn what God’s plan for my life is.

Yesterday I was listening to a Christian radio station and the person speaking was this motivational speaker named Nick Vujicic. I decided to look him up and read his biography. He was born with no arms and legs. He felt that God definitely couldn’t have a purpose for his life, but after struggling with his disability and then finding God, he learned that he did have a purpose. He is now a motivational speaker that speaks all around the world and even speaks for Congress. I read a daily devotional book called Unto The Hills by Billy Graham and today’s reading was just what I needed to hear. It was how God has a purpose for my life and that he is preparing me for that purpose and the timing of its realization would be perfect because God’s timing is perfect. This just shows to me how God really knows what was in my heart. I was worrying about what my purpose was and if it was ever going to know what it was. You see even if I have come to know God, I still worry sometimes. I forget God’s promises and have to be reminded, but he knows this that’s why he sends us messages just when we need it. I needed to hear that this morning and now I can go on again being rest assured that as I type right now, God is preparing me for the purpose he created for only me to do in this world. I can’t wait for that day. For now, I will wait patiently and take one day at a time and know that each day is preparing me and bringing me closer to my purpose. =)


Hi everyone,

I decided to create this blog because I wanted to share what I’ve learned the past couple of months. Long story short, my life had literally turned around. I was making bad decisions in life and had no jobs, I was starting to fall into a depression. I almost hit rock bottom, and then my life changed. I was offered jobs, my family life improved, and I became a new person with a new perspective. What changed my life was learning about God. Now I know this may turn some people off, but don’t worry, I’m not going to preach in this blog and say scary things that you don’t understand. I’m gonna write from my heart and share what I’ve learned from my heart. If you don’t believe in God, hopefully you can have an open heart and read what I have to say. If you do believe in God already, then this just affirms how loving and kind God is. =)


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