Live and Love Again Revolution

Learn how to be fully alive and full of the love you truly desire.

Archive for the tag “9-5”

Hope for my future

I had a really cool revelation today. I’ve been thinking about my future and what I’m going to do with my life. So far, a typical 9-5 office job is not working out for me. I work at a coffee shop, and I love it, but I know I should be doing something in addition to that. Today a bible verse I’ve always loved came to mind. It’s the one that says God knows the plans he has for us and those plans are for us to prosper, not to harm us, and to give us hope and a future. That line is the one most quoted, but I looked up the rest of it and it continues on saying that when we seek God with all our heart, we will find him.

Today, I feel an angel helped me realize a couple of things. I felt I got a prayer answered for what was bothering me. Now that I have to support myself, I no longer get student loans anymore, I’ve started to worry about money. That’s why I jumped into taking the office job because I needed money; however, that job did not work out for me at all because it just wasn’t the right fit for me. “Wasn’t the right fit for me” are the key words. I’ve realized I have certain qualities for a reason, certain desires, and certain things that really appeal to me. 

The bible verse I mentioned has now become very relevant in my life because the insight I received into my situation was that God has a plan for me and it’s a good plan too. One where I will be successful, have hope, and a future. Another bible verse that came to me is the one where it says to seek God first and everything else you need will follow. I’ve realized that I stopped seeking God first. I was seeking myself first. How I need money to pay for food, shelter, and other necessities. My dreams took a backseat because to me, to be able to buy these things were more important that the yearnings and dreams in my heart. But from Julia Cameron’s The Artist Way she wrote something that really spoke to me. She says that “Our creative dreams and yearnings come from a divine source. As we move toward our dreams, we move toward our divinity.”

So putting all these things together, I need to trust what’s in my heart to lead me to what I’m meant to do on earth. What I’m naturally drawn to, what I can’t stop thinking about, what I can’t conceive of myself not doing in life is what I’m supposed to be doing. Ella Fitzgerald said something really awesome. She said, “Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.” I’ll take it one step at a time then, and I feel all the details will work themselves out. 

Help a stranger

Today I helped a stranger. I never tell anyone when I do this. I do this almost every time I see someone in need. I decide not to tell anyone because I do it out of my personal desire to help anyone in need and not got any credit for it. Today is different because I started this blog and there’s something I really want to say about this. My blog’s domain name is live and love again revolution. This is the name because there’s been a stirring in my heart about helping people revive their lives and spread love in their immediate surroundings and then extending it to the whole world. I feel people need to revive their lives because I feel people have lost their sense of selves and are drowning in following what everyone else buys and does. Some examples are having an iphone, wearing the same clothes, having a 9-5 job they don’t care about, looking forward to getting wasted in the weekend, and then repeating the same cycle. I don’t feel this is living. Moreover, I feel we’ve lost our sensitivity to the other person, especially strangers in need. I’m so sure there are people who do random acts of kindness everyday, but I feel the majority prefer not to get involved out of habit or out of fear of standing out.

Today I was running some errands and there was this senior man sitting in his walker with a plastic bag next to him. I had just finished dropping off my UPS package, saw him, got in the car, then felt my spirit nudging me. It was nudging me to help the guy. What went through my mind was: what if he doesn’t need help, what will this lady in the van with her children think, what if he gets offended? But then I knew my spirit wouldn’t allow me to not do something. I felt there was something he needed. Whether it was a meal or some money. I got out of my car and asked him how he was doing and if he needed any help. He told me that he missed his bus and that he had no way to go home. He told me about the special bus he takes that takes him right to his door. I noticed a minivan with the bus company he was talking about parked at Wendy’s across the street. I told him I could ask the driver of the van if he could take him home or give us information on how he can get the bus to come and pick him up. He appreciated it. I went over to the driver who looked at me very suspiciously and slowly lowered the window only a third of the way down. But I smiled very sweetly and asked very kindly if he could help the person I was trying to help. He didn’t seem too happy about it because he looked like he was on his break, but he said he’ll go over and call for a bus to pick him up. The driver drove to the man and they started to arrange plans for his pick-up. Otherwise, the man would’ve had to wait who knows how long to receive the door-to-door bus service he receives.

I share this story because it was just a simple act of kindness that helped him out. I just feel moments like this bring love into the world and bring connection among people that is so needed. So back to the title of my domain “live and love again revolution.” I am passionate about helping people live again–to break free from the spirit of dissatisfaction that is so prevalent in our culture. To live a life that they can be proud of whether it be through their jobs, family life, with their friends, and in their hobbies. To not settle for what everyone else is doing, so that they can feel alive again. And to love again–to care about people again and step out of their comfort zones to create a culture of helping one another and not caring what other’s think.

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