Live and Love Again Revolution

Learn how to be fully alive and full of the love you truly desire.

Make The Switch: A framework to doing your life’s work in the 21st century

Our desire is to feel alive, yet so many people are the walking dead. People have settled to living out the motions of life without actually living it. Go to work, spend the weekend being thankful that you do not have to go to work, and then dreading the start of a lifeless routine starting Monday. I have decided to do something about this. I did not get there right away. I spent the beginning of my adult life striving for dreams that were never really mine. I thought I wanted to work up the corporate ladder, so I got a business degree. I worked in the field and realized I hated it. Then I thought I wanted to be in a helping profession, so I got a degree in social work. Worked in the field, appreciated the work that social workers did, but it was not for me. I was unhappy and unfulfilled. Like many Millennials, we were raised to believe we could achieve anything. I was not willing to settle. In a moment of desperation, where I had no job, my bank account hit zero, and had many student loans to pay, I asked myself, “What do I really want to do?” The answer came. After two years of studying people who have found their life’s work, I found that I wanted to change the world’s way of approaching work. I want people to make the switch from just doing work to doing their life’s work.

I feel people have immense power that they have not even begun to tap into. The problem is that the true knowledge that each individual has a specific purpose to fulfill on earth is kept a secret. I do not know how it has been kept a secret for this long, but this will no longer be a secret because I am going to spread it all over the world. Each and every individual, no matter the personality type, background, failures, anything, you name it, no matter how unworthy anyone thinks they are, the truth is that each person has a purpose that will bring them to life and make the world a better place. I know this for a fact. It does not even matter if you believe in yourself, you have work to do and you will learn how to do it.

For two years, I studied people who were serving their life’s purpose. I read so many books and spent a lot of time in contemplation. The fruit of these two years was discovering the framework on how to make the switch to do your life’s work. I focus my work on how to help others make the switch because it is one of the most difficult things to do. Making the switch means saying yes to everything you have always wanted, which is something we are not used to and something we feel we do not deserve. You deserve to make the switch, do your life’s work, and create a lasting legacy. I will show you how.

Click here to download the complete framework for free. Click “free download,” then you will receive a link for the download. The complete framework will be in a PDF file. Thank you.

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  1. Pingback: Launch of Make The Switch Framework: From doing work to doing your life’s work | Live and Love Again Revolution

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