Live and Love Again Revolution

Learn how to be fully alive and full of the love you truly desire.

Archive for the tag “jobs”

Awkward Beginnings and Proving Them Wrong

My dream is to see a world where the norm is for people to pursue their life’s work. This is my dream because I’m a very observant and sensitive person and I see so many people who are stressed out and unhappy. This really makes me sad. Working in customer service where I talk to so many people and come across so many people, a common observation I have when having small talk with people is that many of them had similar things to say. In response to “What are you up to today?” A common response is to first sigh and then say, “Oh I have work.” Or a response to how are you doing is something along the lines of sarcastically saying, “Living the dream.” I know it’s just small talk, but being a sensitive person and person that hopes so much for people, this isn’t okay for me. Something needs to be done.

Fear of beginning

So the dream I wish to see…I’m taking on the job to make it a reality in the world. I just recorded my first training video ever and I was extremely afraid to do it. I didn’t understand why I was so afraid because I have been on a roll in doing what I love to do and not feeling afraid. I realize now that was the case because I started getting in the habit of doing what I was doing. Now, I was doing something for the first time again. I had to get back to the knowledge I learned on how to do something you’re afraid of for the first time.

Fear is a good sign

I went back to the framework I wrote. In terms of fear, learned from Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art, fear is an indicator that that’s the next work you need to do. In my Make The Switch Framework, I write that you will always know the next thing to do. This video was it for me. So remembering Pressfield’s advice and my framework, I decided to just do it. Looking back, I realized I was afraid because I thought I had to wait for someone to give me the permission to do something I really wanted to do. I quickly learned that that permission wasn’t coming and that I have to give myself the permission to just begin. Another reason I was so afraid was thinking, “Who am I to do this work? I’m a nobody…what am I thinking.” Wrong, I am a somebody with a specific set of gifts and talents that I’m meant to give to the world.

You can figure it out

There’s this belief that holds back so many people that when you start off you should be an instant success, that you shouldn’t have unpromising beginnings or awkward starting moments. This is untrue because upon 2 years of studying people who do their life’s work, almost every single one of them had to begin unknown, awkwardly, and figure it out. So the most common way of realizing your dreams is actually just beginning smack dab where you are and figuring it out. In my framework, I write about how people have a powerful mind that can figure anything out. The majority of people just don’t know this though because they haven’t used their mind in this way before. You’ll surprise yourself. You’ll be able to figure everything out step by step. The process is begin, learn, and grow and then fail, learn, and begin again. In this way, failure as we knew it is no longer an end, but a beginning to the next upward step towards realizing your dreams.

Prove them wrong

With the end of Super Bowl, Seahawks QB Russell Wilson totally inspired me. In reading about his story, he could’ve gone pro in baseball. Everyone advised him to do baseball, but he had this fire in him that wanted to do football. Being 5’11, it makes it very hard to succeed in football, let alone convince a team that you would be an asset, but against all odds he did it. He said he went for football because he wanted to prove everyone wrong.

Don’t let anything stop you from pursuing that burning desire in your heart. There is no type of work that is better than the other. The best work that helps you and the whole wide world is only the work that in your heart you really want to create in the world. Don’t listen to anything or anyone but your heart. You have a powerful mind, you can figure it out. You have strength of character that you never knew you have, you can stand against fear and all other things that get in your way.

I want to see a world where people fulfill their dreams and do their life’s work because it’s so possible. It’s my job to spread the awareness of the limitless possibilities.

Jamie Pennelly is the founder of Live and Love Again Revolution that spreads the message to “Live your best life and love what you do.” Her newest work is the Make The Switch Framework on how to make the switch from “just getting a job” to “doing your life’s work.” To learn more about the work she does and social media platforms visit:

A message of hope for the world

Lately I’ve been thinking about how awesome the world could be for people. What I have noticed is that we have such an amazing and obvious resource that we have forgotten to utilize in our time. With the rise of unprecedented technology, we have had our eyes on technology to make the world a better place, yet we are seeing that technology maybe isn’t our only hope or our best hope.

In this post, I wanted to talk about the underutilized resource of human beings. We are underutilizing the power, gifts, and talents each human being holds to make the world a better place. I’m talking about empowering human beings for real, for the first time.

I say for the first time because we have not really given thought to the power of each person and the power that creates as the whole human race. We do not have systems that truly discover each person’s individual gifts, then allow that gift grow, and then send them off to do the work they are supposed to do. The system we have in place creates an individual who is not in touch with their gift, their power, who is taught to just follow, and who is taught to be afraid. Afraid of not being able to survive, pay the bills, have enough for retirement, and at last, afraid of death. The system we have in place is a system of fear.

My message of hope for the world is that we can create a system of faith. A system that has faith that we have the resources to survive and thrive in the world. The most important resource we have to enable everyone to survive and thrive are people. Each person has a set of gifts and talents that they are given to make the world a better place. What needs to happen is that people need awareness that they have a set of gifts and talents, they need to be taught how to discover them, then encouraged to start using them to allow it to grow and develop to its potential, and lastly, they need to be supported as they realize their gifts and talents in the world. In rereading the several lines in bold, I realize we do not do this. Instead of support, people are left on their own and even discouraged when they start to think and dream of the beautiful gifts they can give to the world. My message of hope is that this can change. Not for generations to come, today. 

Spend time to discover your gifts and talents.

Start using them in any way to allow it to grow and develop.

Realize your gifts, talents, and dreams in the world. 

Let’s do it together.

Jamie Pennelly is the founder of Live and Love Again Revolution that spreads the message to “Live your best life and love what you do.” Her newest work is the Make The Switch Framework on how to make the switch from “just getting a job” to “doing your life’s work.” To learn more about the work she does and social media platforms visit:

Northern Shores

I was searching for the man
Who would sweep me off my feet
Then a note fell from the sky with your name

Pardon me while I grow mad
Aren’t you the one from my old dreams
The one with the five foot sword black horse

Take me away
Don’t you delay
Let’s go
To the northern shores

Let’s find some wood and make a home
In front of this old mountain there
Beside the streams that rush on by
Surrounded by the forest

Don’t mind the little critters there
We’ll live without a care
You, me, and the bear

The birds chirp
The sky’s sing
This is our little heaven on earth

You’re here
With me
Where we belong

For a free download of the complete Make The Switch Framework, click here.

To listen to more music, check out my music website at

What We Do and Don’t Do Anymore

One of my bridge jobs is waitressing. I was ringing up a customer at the cashier and asked him about his job. He does some cool stuff with non-profits and a whole list of other things I can’t remember. And then he mentioned how he likes his job and he feels so lucky compared to other people he knows who hate their jobs and complain about it and don’t do anything about it. I mentioned how we don’t do jobs we hate anymore and I thought of this idea for a post. So here it is:

What we don’t do anymore:

  • We don’t stay in a job we hate.
  • We don’t complain about jobs we hate and stay in it.
  • We don’t fully rely on employers to take care of us all our lives..
  • We don’t waste our lives away on partying without having any purpose in our lives (That’s so the 2000s, it’s now the 2010s).
  • We don’t bank our lives on investing everything in our careers without having any fun or real love in our lives.
  • We don’t look down on others and exclude them because we think we’re in a superior class.
  • We don’t jump from partner to partner and end up lonely and regretting those kind of decisions.
  • We don’t disrespect older generations nor their ways of seeing and going about the world.

What we do do:

  • We pursue our passions and put real effort into making it a viable life-long career.
  • We don’t give up, we pivot. We find another way and another way and another way and another way until it works.
  • We party hard and we work hard. We become freaking successful and have an even more amazing life outside of work.
  • We humbly serve people with our talents and make the world a better place. We lift everyone up as we climb.
  • We find real long lasting love while it can be found so we can have someone we love to grow old with.
  • We respect the previous generations for what they build and how they built it and respect our calling on how to go about making the world a better place in this generation and the generations to come.

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