Live and Love Again Revolution

Learn how to be fully alive and full of the love you truly desire.

A message of hope for the world

Lately I’ve been thinking about how awesome the world could be for people. What I have noticed is that we have such an amazing and obvious resource that we have forgotten to utilize in our time. With the rise of unprecedented technology, we have had our eyes on technology to make the world a better place, yet we are seeing that technology maybe isn’t our only hope or our best hope.

In this post, I wanted to talk about the underutilized resource of human beings. We are underutilizing the power, gifts, and talents each human being holds to make the world a better place. I’m talking about empowering human beings for real, for the first time.

I say for the first time because we have not really given thought to the power of each person and the power that creates as the whole human race. We do not have systems that truly discover each person’s individual gifts, then allow that gift grow, and then send them off to do the work they are supposed to do. The system we have in place creates an individual who is not in touch with their gift, their power, who is taught to just follow, and who is taught to be afraid. Afraid of not being able to survive, pay the bills, have enough for retirement, and at last, afraid of death. The system we have in place is a system of fear.

My message of hope for the world is that we can create a system of faith. A system that has faith that we have the resources to survive and thrive in the world. The most important resource we have to enable everyone to survive and thrive are people. Each person has a set of gifts and talents that they are given to make the world a better place. What needs to happen is that people need awareness that they have a set of gifts and talents, they need to be taught how to discover them, then encouraged to start using them to allow it to grow and develop to its potential, and lastly, they need to be supported as they realize their gifts and talents in the world. In rereading the several lines in bold, I realize we do not do this. Instead of support, people are left on their own and even discouraged when they start to think and dream of the beautiful gifts they can give to the world. My message of hope is that this can change. Not for generations to come, today. 

Spend time to discover your gifts and talents.

Start using them in any way to allow it to grow and develop.

Realize your gifts, talents, and dreams in the world. 

Let’s do it together.

Jamie Pennelly is the founder of Live and Love Again Revolution that spreads the message to “Live your best life and love what you do.” Her newest work is the Make The Switch Framework on how to make the switch from “just getting a job” to “doing your life’s work.” To learn more about the work she does and social media platforms visit:

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