Live and Love Again Revolution

Learn how to be fully alive and full of the love you truly desire.

Archive for the tag “control”

Set yourself free

What I learned this week is that we can try to control ourselves so much at times that we fail to ever realize our potential, maybe an energy we never thought we had. A liveliness that we could have only ever imagined we could experience.

Yes, control in life is good, but of course too much is not good either. Then how do we know where the sweet spot is between both? We just live and figure it out.

This can be scary for people who have held such a tight grip on their lives that letting go is as scary as going skydiving (if you’re afraid of heights). But we all hear of stories of people who have gone skydiving. They were terrified of jumping out of the plane, but once they did, oh boy was it amazingly thrilling!

Now I’m not saying to lose control, but allow yourself to live and figure it out. Don’t hold back so much that you never discover a type of freedom that you could have only experienced if you let go.

Set yourself free.

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